However, the earliest videos on his channel only date back to 2014, as most of his videos before that are either privatized, unlisted or deleted. Nogla began his YouTube channel on Januto post gaming commentary. As of December 1, 2016, he started playing as a model based on his YouTube icon, notable for its comically large mouth, though on occasions he does return back to Zoidberg. He didn't play as Zoidberg again until a few videos later. After they made a video of Zoidberg's death, he started playing with a model of his GTA V character. His friends made fun of his wide eyes and appendages hanging from his face. His original Garry's Mod model was Zoidberg. At times he wears a green jumpsuit and he and his friends would call him "the Janitor". He would sometimes put a paper bag on his head and aptly dub him "Paper Bag Man".

His Grand Theft Auto V player model is a grotesque looking man with a ponytail, usually wearing a green t-shirt and dark blue jeans with shorts tucked in his pants that the crews jokes as being a diaper. Until December 2021, he was mainly known as Daithi De Nogla. He is considered the punching bag of the crew mostly due to him always being the target of his friends' pranks, jokes and abuse in most games. David Nagle, also known as Nogla, is a popular Irish YouTuber known for his deep voice, hilarious rage, random outbursts of gibberish, dimwitted moments and weird noises, as well as sometimes annoying personality.